Pat Audio STS Retest
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From: To: Cc: Subject: Notification to Schedule Follow-up Appointment
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Notification to Schedule Follow-up Audiogram after Initial STS Finding
TO: Frederick J Anderson During your recent health surveillance exam, your audiogram indicated that you may have developed a standard threshold shift (STS). OSHA requires that we confirm this result with a second audiogram within a limited period of time. You are requested to schedule a follow-up appointment for that audiogram within 21 days from your testing date. You can do this using our electronic scheduling portal below. We encourage you to access the site as soon as possible in order to complete the exam in a timely manner.
Schedule Appointment
Once you have scheduled successfully, you will receive confirmation of the date and time of your appointment along with a link to a questionnaire that you will asked to complete prior to your follow-up exam. If you have any additional questions regarding this notification, please contact Health Services. We thank you for your cooperation.
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